Pastor Manuela shares her message “Do You Understand What I Have Done for You?” from John 13:4-15. Jesus gave his disciples a lesson in humility when he knelt down and washed their feet. He showed them a radical way of leadership. Do you lead with a servant attitude? Find out by answering these three important questions.
Are you struggling to change a bad habit or situation for fear of the unknown? Pastor Manuela’s message brings us to the Pool of Bethesda where Jesus asks the paralyzed man “Do You Want to Get Well?” (John 5:19). Are YOU willing to let God release you from the fear of what is paralyzing you from making a change? Embrace Jesus in obedience and He will help you to stand and walk again!
Pastor Manuela continues her message series “Did You Hear God’s Questions?”
To get to know someone, we must take time to be with them. In Matthew 16:13-18, Jesus asks Peter “Who do You say I am?” God asks us the same question today. When we take the time to get to know Jesus, The Messiah, we will discover who we are and our purpose in life.
“What are you looking for?” John 1:35-40 from Pastor Manuela’s message series “Did You Hear God’s Questions?”
God wants to know the true desires of your heart. Are you looking for fulfillment in more security, power, or comfort? Get ready to seek Jesus and His will for your life, and find the desires of your heart!
Do you seem to be running on empty these days? Pastor Manuela shares the story from 1 Kings 19:8-13 when Elijah was at the point of despair and hiding in a cave. God asks him “What are you doing here?” When we take time to sit with God in silence we are challenged to see things from his perspective.
Pastor Manuela continues the message series “Did Your Hear God’s Questions” with “What is your name?” from Genesis 32:22-30. Jacob wrestled with God and was blessed with a new life and a new name Israel. Find out how we too can be blessed, receive forgiveness and become a new creation – a child of God!
Have you ever felt inadequate for a difficult task? God gave Moses a monumental mission when he was chosen to ask Pharaoh to free the Israelites (Exodus 3:16-17; 4:1-5). In Week 3 of Pastor Manuela’s message series “Did you hear God’s questions?”, God asks Moses “What is that in your hand?” God assured Moses, as he does for all of us, that He will provide what it takes to complete the difficult tasks ahead, as well as follow His plan for our lives.
Take a minute to ponder God’s second question from “Did you hear God’s Questions” message series: “Where is your brother?” Pastor Manuela Kauer shares the story from Genesis 4:2-12 when Cain, in anger, kills his brother Abel. As followers of Jesus, are we our brother’s (or sister’s) keepers? Find out how to reach out with love as caretakers of our world, and our fellow men.
New message series! “Did you hear God’s Questions?” Pastor Manuela begins her message series with God’s first question, “Where are you?” from Genesis 3:8-13. God desires a relationship with us yet we hide from him and others. Pastor Manuela challenges us to look deeply into our hearts for God’s presence and share that love with others.
“Do not be afraid” is the most frequently repeated message in Scripture. Faith cannot thrive when fear is in charge. Nevertheless, life happens and difficult situations come to us. Elder Jane Moore shares her powerful testimony, “But Sometimes We Are Afraid!” from Ecclesiasties 3:9-14.
“The Third Option” Matthew 1:18-25
After finding out that Mary was with child, Joseph planned to quietly divorce her. In a dream, the Angel of the Lord told him “Do not be afraid.” Disregarding Jewish law and tradition, Joseph chose love over fear, took Mary as his wife, and stepped out in faith on a new, exciting journey that would change the world! How should we respond to the gift of Jesus this Christmas?
“Why Not Me?” When Mary hears the Angel Gabriel’s message, she responds bravely “Let it be according to your word.” In this season of Advent, can we also respond to God’s invitation to follow him with “Let it be according to your word.” Be assured that God is with us, do not be afraid!
New Message Series for Advent!
“Do Not Be Afraid” is the most frequently repeated message in Scripture. Faith cannot thrive when fear is in charge. Nevertheless, life happens and difficult situations come to us. But faith relies on this compelling truth: let go of your fear and amazing things will happen! What would you do, how would you live, if you weren’t afraid? In this season of Advent, allow the Gospel to show you how to respond. Sunday, Dec. 1 message: “Silence Is Gold” Luke 1:8-13;17-20
Pastor Manuela Kauer shares her message “Leaving a Legacy of Faithfulness” from Genesis 50:15-21 from the final week of walking with Joseph.
Joseph left a legacy of forgiveness as well as providing and preserving the people of God. Each one of us can also build a legacy of faithfulness for generations to come when we walk in partnership with our Lord Jesus Christ.
Continue as we follow along with Pastor Manuela’s captivating message “Loosing Control and Gaining Life” from her message series “Joseph, A Purposeful Life”. Joseph finds himself in the position to finally get revenge on his brothers who sold him into slavery. Instead, Joseph chose forgiveness and wept when he saw his brothers. Are you carrying the burden of unforgiveness?
Pastor Manuela shares her message “From the Pit to the Palace” Genesis 41:32-40; 53-57 as she continues in the series: “Joseph: A Purposeful Life”. In this passage we find that Joseph has grown from a spoiled boy to a mature, Godly man. Using his gift of interpreting dreams and God’s wisdom, he became second in command to Pharaoh and chose to share that blessing with others. Let us also be generous and bless many!
Pastor Manuela shares her message “Our Gifts and Talents for God’s Kingdom” from Genesis 41:1-16. Joseph used his gifts and talents even when he was locked in prison – but when the time was right – God’s timing. Do you have the faith and patience to wait on God’s perfect timing?
Are you Living with Integrity?
Pastor Manuela shares the story of Joseph, in Genesis 39:6-21, to show us how we can grow, learn and live a life that will honor God.
Pastor Manuela shares her message “Bloom Where You Are” from her message series “Joseph, A Purposeful Life”. Does the grass always seem greener on the other side? Then listen and learn, using the example of Joseph in Genesis 39:1-6, how you can bloom even in the worse of circumstances!
Pastor Manuela Kauer shares her message “Dare to Dream”, Genesis 37:17-27 from her new series “Joseph, A Purposeful Life”. Like Joseph and as followers of Christ, let us become dreamers and not complainers. May we be open and equipped by God to pursue contagious dreams, as we believe that with God all things are possible!
Pastor Manuela Kauer shares her message “Joy or Anxiety” from Paul’s Letter to the Philippians 4:2-9. As Paul and Silas were shackled in prison, they chose to replace their suffering with prayer and thanksgiving. We too can find new strength when we focus on the blessings and remember the times that God was faithful. In doing so, we will find that the “Peace of the Lord will guard our hearts and minds”.
Pastor Manuela Kauer shares her message “New Citizenship” from Philippians 3:17-4:1. The Apostle Paul tells us that as believers we have a new citizenship in the Kingdom of God. Citizenship comes with rights and responsibilities. Let us maintain our unity while others are deeply divided, and continue doing the work here on earth until Christ returns.
Pastor Manuela Kauer shares her message “Backward and Forward” from Philippians 3:4-14. In his letter, the Apostle Paul told the Philippians that his former life – apart from Jesus was “rubbish”. His hope was to persevere, even while in prison, to complete the race that God had set before him. How can you take your past and use it for the future that God has set for you?
“Lift your Eyes, Live your Life, Paul’s Message to the Philippians”. Pastor Ruby Davis brings her inspiring message of hope “Imitating Christ” from Philippians 2:1-11.
Pastor Manuela’s message “Stand Firm” brings forth a message of hope with Paul’s letter to the Philippians – 1:21-30, written while he was incarcerated. God can achieve great things in our church, our community and our world as we stand firm sharing the Good News of the Gospel!
New message series: “Lift your eyes, live your life” Paul’s Letter to the Philippians
Pastor Manuela shares her message “Expressing Thanks”, Philippians 1:1-11. Even though imprisoned, Paul was thankful to God and to the Philippians for their prayer and support. Paul’s message to them – and to us today – is that God, who has begun a good work in us, will bring it to completion when Jesus returns. Let us continue to trust God as He continues to complete us – a work in progress!
Pastor Manuela shares her message “To God Be The Glory” Psalm 111:1-5, 9-10 Even though blinded at a young age, Fanny Crosby was able to transform her weakness into a blessing as she became one of the most prolific hymn writers in US history. Pastor Manuela asks us to ponder these two questions: Are we able to be content and find joy even in hard circumstances? Do we glorify God with our lives? For the question worksheet click here.
FPCL welcomes Jacob Fruchtman from the Jews for Jesus Ministry as he shares his message “To Remain Faithful”, 1 Timothy 12-17. Through the testimony of one man, 27 members of Jacob’s family became Messianic Jews. Each experienced the transformative power of God’s mercy and grace. As we follow Jesus we are called to serve him faithfully and to share his redemption with others.
God sent Jesus to pay the debt for our sins. If we believe, confess and repent, we are assured of an eternity in Heaven. Have you ever heard this simple message said differently – maybe with something added or taken away? Learn the Gospel Truth with Elder Jane Moore’s message “Jesus + Anything Else = False Gospel”.
“Small but impactful! (How Great Thou Art)” Psalm 8:1-5.
Pastor Manuela shares the story of the hymn “How Great Thou Art” by Carl Boberg, who was inspired to write the words after witnessing a severe storm and the remarkable beauty after. We may be small compared to the expansiveness of the universe, but we are precious to God who knows and loves us. Share the good news of God’s greatness to others!
Pastor Manuela shares her message “Who is it about anyways?-The Heart of Worship” from John 4:20-30.
Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well that His Father is seeking people to worship him in spirit and truth. Worship is a time to find rest for your soul and to be refreshed. Worship is our response to His love for us. Worship is all about Jesus!
Pastor Manuela’s new message series begins her new message series: “Our Souls Sing”
When we are able to experience the freedom that salvation in Christ Jesus brings, joy erupts, our life is transformed and we are made anew! Pastor Manuela’s message “Exuberant Joy – Exuberant Action” shares the story of how Charles Wesley renewed his faith with the realization that we are saved by God’s Grace alone. In celebration he wrote the hymn, “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing”.
Pastor Manuela brings her message “Foolishness and Wisdom” using the Parable of the Ten Virgins found in Matthew 25:1-13. All of the women waited expectantly for the bridge groom, but only half were ready when he came in the night. Are you prepared for our Lord Jesus when He comes again? Invite Jesus into your heart today!
Are you reading the signs of the world today or are you following Jesus? Jesus shared the Parable of the Signs and Yeast with his disciples in Matthew 16:1-12. His instructions were to be vigilant for false teachings, much like yeast which spreads quickly and destroys. Learn the steps to stay close to Jesus and God’s Word, seeking truth and fleeing what is false.
Pastor Manuela continues her series of The Parables with her message “How is debt and love connected” using the Parable of the Two Debtors from Luke 7:36-43. Have you accepted the priceless gift of forgiveness – a debt you can never repay? Embrace the immense joy of what God has given!
Pastor Manuela shares her message from Matthew 13:47-52, The Parable of the Net. God wants us to “throw out the net” wide to our family, friends and community sharing the Good News of the Gospel. Then God will do the sorting. Are you ready to take that step?
Ever found a fine pearl? Pastor Manuela shares her message from Matthew 13:45-46, The Parable of the Pearl. God is forming us into a fine pearl when we endure the hardships and pain of life. God’s power is made perfect in weakness. When we become aware of the preciousness of God’s love, He fulfills all of our needs!
Jesus used many parables such as “The Mustard Seed” to teach his disciples. Pastor Manuela brings a modern parable of “The Growing Church” to illustrate how the church can come to life if we let the seed of the Kingdom of God grow among us.
Reading from Genesis 39:6-8a; 11-14 & 19-23, Pastor Manuela tells of Joseph’s resilient faith in overcoming the many perils of his life. God allows for good things to come out of bad, but in His timing. Be assured that God is in control! Letting go is just as important as holding on. Let go and let God!
Pastor Manuela shares her message “Jacob: Persevering Faith” Genesis 32:22-31. Jacob wrestled with God and was blessed. Learn how we also can be blessed by the challenges of life. Perseverance, with God’s help, strengthens our faith and helps us to grow.
Pastor Manuela shares her message “When Faith Develops” from Genesis 1:1-2; Acts 2:1-6; 12-17. The Holy Spirit was present at the beginning of Creation, at Pentecost and is present in our world today. Where are we being led by The Holy Spirit as the Church of Jesus Christ in Levittown?
Pastor Manuela Kauer shares her message: “Noah, Obeying Faith” Genesis 6:5-14; 17-22. Noah built the Ark according to God’s instructions and because of his faith, Noah’s family and the animals were saved. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He will provide when we walk in faithful obedience to Him. Take the step today! Trust God to change you, our community and our world.
Pastor Manuela shares her message “Abraham: Trusting Faith” from Genesis 12:1-3. Abraham surrendered his life to God, left all behind and was blessed. When God calls you out of your comfort zone, do you have the faith to take that step? Let go of your lingering doubts and let God guide you into a new stronger, relationship in Him!
Pastor Ruby Davis shares her message “Where are they” from Jeremiah 29:10-14; 2 Chronicles 7:11-16. Where are the people of God who acknowledge Him in Word AND Deed? As believers, let us walk the walk (and not just the talk) as we share God’s love in our home, workplace, school and community.
Pastor Ruby Davis shares her message “He will never leave you” from Joshua 1:1-9; Hebrews 13:1-6. Using stories from scripture, we can be assured that the Spirit of the Living God is always with us. Let us spread the good news!
Pastor Manuela shares her message “A New Commandment” from John 13:34-35 and 1 John 4:7-16. We love because God first loved us. God’s love was revealed when he sent Jesus to atone for our sins. God gives us many opportunities each day to show His love to others. Take the step and partner with Our Heavenly Father today to love one another!
Pastor Ruby Davis shares “He Left a Message” from Luke 24:1-24. After finding the tomb empty, Mary ran to tell the others. The women, as well as Peter and John, saw the linen coverings but couldn’t help noticing the placement of the facecloth. It was folded and put to the side – as if to signify the owner was not yet finished. Jesus left this as a message for all of us, that He will be back. Let us cling to the hope and promise of the risen Savior until his return!
Resurrection Sunday
Pastor Manuela shares her message “A Stopover that Changed Everything” from John 20:1-12. Discover anew how Jesus made a “stopover” to bring hope, joy and strength to his followers on that first Easter morning. That hope is alive and well in the lives of believers today. We no longer need to fear the future – the stone has been rolled away. Jesus is alive! He is risen indeed!
Pastor Manuela Kauer shares her message “Living Well under God” using the words of King David in Psalm 139. Even though God knows us better than we know ourselves, we still want control of our lives. When we make a mess of things, God lifts our soul and puts us back on track to live our lives well under Him.
Pastor Manuela shares her message “Responding to Whose Expectations?” from Matthew 4:1-11. Are you following the expectations of the world or of God? Walk with Jesus as he was tempted and discover what is most important. Then turn to God and make it “on earth as it is in heaven”.
Pastor Manuela Kauer shares her message “Believing God” from Isaiah 43:1-5a. God is WITH YOU and FOR YOU when you walk through the storms and dark valleys. Hold on to that Truth and Believe!
Using the story of the profit Elijah from 1 Kings 19:1-11 “Being True before God”, Pastor Manuela shares the importance of being silent before God to receive the gift of grace. As we allow ourselves to be known in solitude, we discover and embrace a deeper connection with Him.
When we turn to God we find our true identity. Pastor Manuela shares in her message “A Desire for God” that when we place our desires before Jesus, He brings clarity to our lives. What are you seeking from God today?
Pastor Manuela shares Lenten Devotional Day by Day Session 6 from Matthew 16:21-23; where Peter rebuked Jesus when he was told Jesus must suffer and die. Knowing God’s will and finding time to listen is often a struggle for us. What might be one way your busyness blocks you from communing with the living God?
Pastor Manuela shares Lenten Devotional Day by Day Session 5 from Genesis 32:22-26; 30, where Jacob wrestles with God. In what ways has God put your life plans out of joint so that you might depend on him?
Pastor Manuela Kauer brings Lenten Study Session 4: “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” Day by Day from 1 John 2:15. “Do not love the world or anything in the world.” What does that mean to you? Each of us is always searching for some peace in the midst of our daily life. Find that peace as you sit with Jesus in this short devotional.
Pastor Manuela Kauer brings Lenten Study Session 3: “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” Day by Day Morning/Midday Office from Jonah 1:1-4. From the belly of the fish Jonah is forced to be silent and reconnect with God. What internal or external storm may God be sending into your life as a sign that something is not right spiritually?
Join Pastor Manuela Kauer for Lenten Study Session 2: “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” Day by Day Morning/Midday Office (page 22) How could you make more room in your life for silence in order to listen to God? Scripture: 1 Samuel 15:22-23
Join Pastor Manuela Kauer for Lenten Study Session 1: “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” Day by Day Morning/Midday Office (page 21) What is blocking the way for you to experience God more fully? Scripture: Mark 11:15-17
The struggles that we face in life, whether physical or spiritual, are difficult and real. The good news is that we do not have to face them alone! As believers we are fully protected with the armor of God. Find out how with Pastor Manuela’s message from Ephesians 6:10-20.
Pastor Manuela shares her message “Darkness from Light” from Ephesians 5:8-14. As children of the light, let us choose to live in the New Reality – living in the light while showing God’s love and forgiveness to those who are in darkness.
Pastor Manuela Kauer shares her message “Words That Destroy or Give Life” from Ephesians 4:25-5:2. Words can have a powerful impact on others in our lives. In world that is filled with anger, gossip and cruelty, let us join together to bring kind, compassionate and caring words to encourage others, and to heal all of us.
Pastor Manuela shares her message “Unity versus Uniformity” from Ephesians 4:1-26. Even though we do not always agree with one another, we can count on the unity of our church family when we are in need of the love and care of Jesus.
Pastor Manuela Kauer shares her message “A Before and an After” from Ephesians 2:1-10. In Paul’s encouraging letter, he tells the new believers that through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, God entered into our broken condition, allowed us to be renewed, and then repurposed us to do good works for God’s glory.