We are pleased to announce that Traditional worship at 10:30 has returned to the Sanctuary!

Join us for Sunday Worship!

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise” Psalm 100:4

 Praise & Worship Service at 9:00 am in the Chapel

 Traditional Worship Service at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary

Palm Sunday, April 13
Contemporary Service in the Chapel at 9:00 am
Traditional Service in the Sanctuary at 10:30 am with a special Easter Cantata “The Passion and the Promise”

Tenebrae Worship, April 17 
Special Communion Service in the Sanctuary at 7:30 pm with dramatic readings of “The Journey to the Cross”

Good Friday, April 18
Covered Dish Dinner and a Movie “The Passion of the Christ” at 5:30 pm

Easter Sunday, April 20
Contemporary Service in the Chapel at 9:00 am
Traditional Service in the Sanctuary at 10:30 am*

*Children will be dismissed to the Chapel for a special Children’s Service

For more information, see our events page.

First Presbyterian of Levittown’s
Vision and Mission

Our Vision:
We invite all to a life-transforming journey that will grow our faith, open doors to discover and experience Jesus as Lord and Savior, and build our love for God and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Our Mission:
To achieve our vision and
in response to God’s love for us, we will:


Nursery (infants-3yrs) and Sunday school (Pre-K-5th) is offered at 10:30am. Children 1st-5th can worship with their family until being dismissed to their Sunday school teacher after the offertory. “Busy bags” are available for children who would like to stay in worship with their family – just ask an usher!

If you are new to FPCL be sure to stop at the Welcome Center for your welcome packet and other important information. 

We welcome you into Christ’s church to share with us in His ministry, for we are all one in Christ!

For more information email the church office or call


Something for everyone at First Presbyterian Church of Levittown!

Afternoon of Praise and Worship

Awesome time of praise and worship on the lawn
with music by FPCL’s Praise Band Redemption!

Women's Away Retreat

Come share fun and fellowship with your Christian sisters at Mariawald Retreat Center held each October. Delicious meals lovingly prepared by the nuns at Mariawald. 

Christmas Bazaar

FPCL’s annual Christmas Bazaar is held in November. Enjoy vendors, crafts for kids, a special Tea Room and of course a visit with Santa!

Bunny Breakfast

Our popular Bunny Breakfast is held annually the week before Easter in Fellowship Hall. Attendees enjoy a delicious breakfast, crafts for the kids, face painting and an egg hunt.