Jesus came to bring us peace. He does not want us to remain in pain.
Come to me all of you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28,30
Are you struggling with
- Unexplained or uncontrolled anger?
- Unreasonable fear and anxiety?
- Unexplained obsessive or compulsive behavior?
- Depression, hopelessness or feelings of rejection?
- Ongoing grief or emotional turmoil?
- Forgiving others?
- Feeling that you have lost your faith or your relationship with the Lord?
Transformational Prayer Ministry is here to help you!
TPM Sessions are
- Confidential
- Without charge
- Led by trained Prayer Team
- Transformational
What is Transformational Prayer (TPM)?
TPM is simply a type of prayer ministry. Too often we seek physical healing but neglect our emotional and spiritual health.
In TPM, the troubles and difficulties in life are not just to be endured, but opportunities to have our faith refined and our minds renewed. Through prayer we cooperate with God in his “handiwork” of faith refinement and mind-renewal to manage our pain.
Who needs Transformational Prayer?
Everyone. We are complex and wonderful beings. When we don’t heal, we can become the cause of new wounds in our family or friends.
If you have a burden that has resisted change, one that you can’t escape from or is keeping you up at night, the Prayer Team of TPM is here to help you!
For more information on this ministry or to set up an appointment, contact the church office.