Join together with your Sisters in Christ!
You will find an opportunity to connect with other women of this congregation through a number of events and opportunities to grow your faith and develop meaningful relationships such as Bible studies, fun activities, an annual retreat, and many other activities to grow with other women.
Join the women of FPCL for the In-House Retreat, Friday, May 2, 7 to 9 pm and Saturday, May 3, 9 am to 3:30 pm. Bring a packed lunch and a snack to share. Study will be David Jeremiah’s “Agents of the Apocalypse” from the Book of Revelation. For more info contact Linda Eisenhart.

The Women’s Away Retreat is held each October at the Mariwald Retreat Center in Reading, PA.
Situated on the beautiful grounds of Precious Blood Convent, Mariawald offers a contemplative place for all to rest, while enjoying fellowship and FUN with your Christian sisters at FPCL.
The 2025 trip to Mariawald will be October 3-4-5. The price is $145 per person and monthly payment envelopes are available. Our study will be “Agents of the Apocalypse” by Dr. David Jeremiah, an in-depth study of what the Lord told John while he was on the island Patmos, from the book of Revelation.
For more info on Women’s Ministries contact Linda Eisenhart.