Our church has been a light in our community for many years.
It is well known for its high and square tower lifting the Christian cross that calls and invites you to a life-transforming journey. Grow in your faith discovering and experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Worship Experiences

Contemporary Service (9:00 am)
Come and experience our contemporary service starting at 9:00 a.m. It is a welcoming and informal space where you can hear Jesus say: “Come as you are.” The Praise Band is energetic, respectful, fun, and genuine. They are focused on bringing you to worship God and hear God’s word relevant to our context and lives.

Traditional Service (10:30 am)
One of our greeters will welcome you at our traditional 10:30 a.m. service and answer any questions you may have. If you have children, a member of our team will help you check the kids in. As the service starts, blended music will set the worship tone and traditional music is played each Sunday. A rich liturgy led by diverse worship leaders invites participants to reflection and prayer while it gets the congregation ready to listen to a sermon that will stir your heart and mind.